A Brief History of Fitness Wearables!

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Infographic Reviews Editor

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Review of the Layout:

At first glance the infographic appears to be a little too busy. However, on deeper inspection there is a distinct hierarchy that develops that proves to serve the intended flow of information well. There is a vibe that develops that as the infographic flows down one is digging deeper below the dirt path that the runner is on, unveiling more modern, relevant information. Each section tends to seem like a new layer of earth with a change to the background color, even just slightly. Overall I would recommend perusing the wearables article that accompanies the infographic.

Review of the Content:

Great information is presented here and expanded upon in the entire article that is linked above. I had no idea that the entire fitness tracker industry developed so many years ago. The addition of a survey to help bring relevancy and legitimacy to the infographic is very nice. I would also say that the infographic does much in the way of convincing me of potentially picking up a wearable myself. I had not considered how many of these features were already developed, or hopefully soon to be developed, in an industry that I though to still be in it’s infancy! Definitely share this infographic with anyone considering adding a buddy to their workout routine.

Final Verdict:

Overall the infographic is designed well and allows all relevant information to be processed easily. The information in it has an immediate impact on the reader and personally has me contemplating picking one up very soon. The infographic was made by the group HFE and if you want to know more about them or their personal training courses follow the link.