Help Prevent Ingrown Toenails!

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Infographic Reviews Editor

Solid infographic on ingrown toenails

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Solid infographic on ingrown toenails

Review of the Layout:

Strong use of color here really allows the readers eyes to focus on areas that are most important. I tend to disagree with plain white text on any background, as it is almost always better visually to use a black outlined text with white fill, but in this case it does the job. In addition, I like the little graphic person, it creates attention to what the reader should be gathering from the information. As a whole this is a solid infograph.

Review on the Content:

Great work in this infograph to add information that is relevant and is not known to all. I end up with ingrown toenails too often because of genetics, but i still learned something new from this. I would not expect there would be so much to be said about a topic as there is here and it is impressive.


Solid use of coloring and information to allow the reader to easily peruse the entire infographic without feeling overwhelmed by the image. I would rate this a solid 4.6/5. Check out a listing of helpful kits for dealing with pesky ingrown toenails here. Plus, the authors website here.

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