I’m Living With My Parents, So What?

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This graph can be very helpful to parents and guardians who are concerned about the financial status of their kids. You don't have to rush things. I'm sure that when the economy gets better, so does your child's status.

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This graph can be very helpful to parents and guardians who are concerned about the financial status of their kids. You don't have to rush things. I'm sure that when the economy gets better, so does your child's status.

How old are you?

If you are in your early 20s, chances are you are living with your parents. I’m not saying that there is something wrong with that. However, you should know that years ago, things are different. Most kids live on their own months after graduating from college.

Do you want to know the reasons why kids are delaying the so called ‘financial independence’?

The infograph below will help you understand it more deeply.



Parents will now understand why their kids are still with them. The recent economic condition plays a major role. I mean, you can’t easily get a decent job given that situation. But don’t you worry. The children of today are very optimistic. They have that hope of improving their lives in the near future.

This graph can be very helpful to parents and guardians who are concerned about the financial status of their kids. You don’t have to rush things. I’m sure that when the economy gets better, so does your child’s status.