Think Before You Plug: How Much Energy We Consume

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With one hour of running outside, you'll save an hour of electrical power supply. Yes, that might not create a huge impact. But if we do it all together, I know that our planet will be able to breathe again properly.

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With one hour of running outside, you'll save an hour of electrical power supply. Yes, that might not create a huge impact. But if we do it all together, I know that our planet will be able to breathe again properly.

Do you have an idea how much power you use every time you plug in your appliances? Just so you know, our every day routine can greatly affect our mother earth. In Japan, they consumer more than 1Trillion kwh per year! And that’s only in Japan. If you are going to add up all the power being used by different countries, you’ll know that it’s too much to handle.

Of course, I know that it’s not easy to avoid our appliances. It seems that our lives are attached to it. But you can minimize your consumption by learning how to unplug. Aside from that, you have to learn to flex your muscles outdoors. With one hour of running outside, you’ll save an hour of electrical power supply. Yes, that might not create a huge impact. But if we do it all together, I know that our planet will be able to breathe again properly.