What Social Networking Sites do to Us

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Anyway, I would recommend that people should stop to take a look at this infograph, most especially those who are addicted to social networking sites. Don’t let facebook ruin how you perceive yourself. Control your usage instead of letting facebook control you.

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Anyway, I would recommend that people should stop to take a look at this infograph, most especially those who are addicted to social networking sites. Don’t let facebook ruin how you perceive yourself. Control your usage instead of letting facebook control you.

Facebook is just phenomenal. And so are the other social networking sites. I’m actually intrigued on the actual figures. Lucky me, I saw this infograph.

I wasn’t shocked by the statistics. I already knew that millions of people are updating their statuses and they share photos endlessly. But you know what I learned from this infograph? It’s the fact that most people think that facebook users are sharing too much. Well, I have to agree. Even their non – sense photos are being uploaded. I have nothing against them. However, it would be better if they put more sensible information.

What’s alarming is that the infograph shows the psychological effects of using facebook all the time. People have that tendency to compare themselves to their facebook friends. Some have gone depressed thinking that other people are better than them just because they posted something ‘good’ in facebook.

Anyway, I would recommend that people should stop to take a look at this infograph, most especially those who are addicted to social networking sites. Don’t let facebook ruin how you perceive yourself. Control your usage instead of letting facebook control you.