Stannah reveals London over 65s loneliest in Britain

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Being an elderly pensioner in London is considered to be by far and away the most isolated and lonely people in Britain. One reason could be because London is too fast paced and inaccessible for those over 65 years of age. If you don't believe it then this infographic made by the Stannah Stairlifts can prove it.

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Being an elderly pensioner in London is considered to be by far and away the most isolated and lonely people in Britain. One reason could be because London is too fast paced and inaccessible for those over 65 years of age. If you don't believe it then this infographic made by the Stannah Stairlifts can prove it.

Review on the layout:

This one has some nice images on it, they’re finely detailed like the dog picture. A very nice one if you ask me. The colors are paired and blended with other colors well enough not to hurt my eyes.

Review on the content:

This infographic is all about the Stannah Silver Census’s result which was conducted by lift manufacturer. Stannah questioned about 1,000 adults to provide a finger on the pulse of an oft-overlooked segment of British society. This nationwide survey of those aged 65 and over found that 75% of pensioners surveyed revealed they experience feelings of loneliness – despite living within one hour of a relative. London’s pensioners felt by far the most isolated in Britain, with those in Wales (61%) and the North (64%) feeling the least lonely.


Being an elderly pensioner in London is considered to be by far and away the most isolated and lonely people in Britain. One reason could be because London is too fast paced and inaccessible for those over 65 years of age. If you don’t believe it then this infographic made by the Stannah Stairlifts can prove it.

Stannah reveals London over 65s loneliest in Britain