Text your Way to Hell

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Infographic Reviews Editor

I found the above infograph really interesting. Yes, I know that it's bad to text while on the road. But the logic behind it is being displayed in this infograph. Plus, you'll be amazed that a REAL study proves that it is bad to use mobile phones while driving.

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I found the above infograph really interesting. Yes, I know that it's bad to text while on the road. But the logic behind it is being displayed in this infograph. Plus, you'll be amazed that a REAL study proves that it is bad to use mobile phones while driving.

It is bad to text while driving.

You have been hearing this for a very long and countless times. The question is, do you text while driving?

I know that it is tempting to send messages to your family and friends. After all, you thought that it’s not going to eat a lot of your time. But you are wrong. You are just delaying your reaction time when it comes to hitting the breaks or turning on a corner. Hence, you are prone to accidents.

I found the above infograph really interesting. Yes, I know that it’s bad to text while on the road. But the logic behind it is being displayed in this infograph. Plus, you’ll be amazed that a REAL study proves that it is bad to use mobile phones while driving.

The infograph is a bit textual though. It’s actually understandable since the issue needed to be explained in detail. The colors are fine. The images should be done in a humorous way so that it can be more luring.

For me, it is still a good infograph. Many people, most especially drivers, will benefit from this.