The Battle of Ford, Chevy and Dodge – Who’s the Meanest?

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Avg. Rating: 4.9/5.0

Infographic Reviews Editor

It’s not just made to show stats. It’s made to educate. And for that, I will give this infograph a decent rating.

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It’s not just made to show stats. It’s made to educate. And for that, I will give this infograph a decent rating.


This is an outstanding infograph. I have to admit, I don’t know a lot of things about cars and trucks. The quick comparison between Ford, Chevy and Dodge helps a lot. Of course, I can’t say that I fully understand all items such as the cylinder configuration and injection type. But that’s fine. You can easily search what those things mean.

I also like the part where they included tips from the mechanic. It’s as if you are getting a professional advice for free. Nothing beats free advices, don’t you think?

The illustration used in the towing capacity is nice as well. Using dinosaurs, elephants, refrigerator, rhino, and grand piano is neat. It’s a bit humorous if you will ask me. That’s a plus point.

What amazes me more is that they integrated some fun facts and notable numbers at the last part of the infograph. It will make more people interested learning trucks and diesel engines.

And of course, the interaction is there. You can vote for your favorite truck! Oh my goodness, all the best things in an infograph is here.

It’s not just made to show stats. It’s made to educate. And for that, I will give this infograph a decent rating.

Diesel Engine Shootout: Ford vs Chevy vs Dodge – An infographic by the team at AutoAnything

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