Time to Open Facebook at Work

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Infographic Reviews Editor

Different businesses should be aware of this statistics. In fact, I would recommend that they let their workers use Facebook, Twitter or any form of social media sites during office hours (provided that there is a strict limitation).

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Different businesses should be aware of this statistics. In fact, I would recommend that they let their workers use Facebook, Twitter or any form of social media sites during office hours (provided that there is a strict limitation).

Most employers don’t allow their employees to use social networking sites during office hours. But you might want to change your mind with the infograph that I’m about to review.

It’s not a shocking news that around 40% of the population use social media sites. I mean, who doesn’t want to be hip and updated, right?

Different businesses should be aware of this statistics. In fact, I would recommend that they let their workers use Facebook, Twitter or any form of social media sites during office hours (provided that there is a strict limitation).

Not only that they will be able to disseminate information to larger audience, people will have the idea that it’s fun to work for your company. That’s priceless! More investors will come and your employees will stay for longer time.