Why a Freeway Suddenly Stops

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Infographic Reviews Editor

This infograph is a must share for 2 reasons.1) The funnel effect is just great.2) This is the perfect example of a great infograph.

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This infograph is a must share for 2 reasons.1) The funnel effect is just great.2) This is the perfect example of a great infograph.



Freeways are supposed to be the hub of fast driving motorists. But not for all cases. Here’s a very NICE infograph.

In the illustration below, you would immediately learn why there are stops in freeways. The explanations are very simple, brief and organized. This is what an infograph should be. It should be have great drawings, short texts and it must be in order. Otherwise, an infograph would be useless.


I actually like the concept of funnel effect. It’s not just for cars in freeways. It’s for everything! I’ll give you an example.

If you are overworking, you might not produce the best outputs. That’s because your brain can’t focus. However, if you focus on lesser things, there’s a better chance of creating the best outputs. Obviously, we all want the latter, right?

This infograph is a must share for 2 reasons.

1) The funnel effect is just great.

2) This is the perfect example of a great infograph.