Why I Hate Internet Freaks

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This graph is great. It should be cascaded to different people so they can take care of their accounts.

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This graph is great. It should be cascaded to different people so they can take care of their accounts.

I’m sure that a lot of people hate hackers. I mean, they are good for nothing. All they want to do is mess up with other’s account. And you know what increased my hatred towards those people? That would be the infograph below. I’m not saying that the illustration is bad. It’s actually the other way around. With this, I was able to know how they dominate the virtual world.

Call me mean but they are ‘power tripping’.


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To be honest, I don’t care if they call it a white hat, grey hat or a black hat hacker. All that matter is, they don’t respect privacy. Obviously, I’m more furious over the black hat hackers. They do it for the sake of…doing it. They just want to get noticed and their initial intention is to destroy. The worst part is, they are happy about it.

Come on! How can you trust online shopping? How can you trust online banking? How can you trust the social media sites? Administrators should hire the best people to block hackers. If these hackers keep on outsmarting them, the online market will diminish in no time.

This graph is great. It should be cascaded to different people so they can take care of their accounts.